CHICAGO: The Vedic Day Care Center, a pre-school and kindergarten educational facility, held its annual Ram Navmi function here on Sunday April 28. Over 100 people attended the program.
The children of the Vedic Day Care Center recited Bhagavad Gita slokas, sang nursery songs and performed folk dances. To accompany this extravagant display put on by the children was a play based on Lord Ram’s pastime along with a drama based on Lord Krishna’s pastime as well.
The director of the Center, Vrashabh Das, briefly enlightened the crowd on the progress of the facility and gave a lecture on the significance of Ram Navmi. The Day Care Center is really appreciative of the generous donations made by the parents of the children, who were honored, to show the gratitude of the Day Care. Amongst the many that financially supported the Center are Sohan Joshi, Chetan Patel and family, Roopal Bhrambhatt, Kalpesh Patel, Hansa Ben (Swati Restaurant), Valabbhai and Niruben Kapadia (Jai Hind Restaurant).
Sohan Joshi, president of NFIA (National Federation of Indian American Association), was the Chief Guest during the program. He has been a front ranking supporter of the day care. All the time in the past many years he has assisted in helping the Vedic day care in multiple ways.
NFIA is the one and only one umbrella organization of all Indian American Associations. It is known for promoting the Indian community nationwide and their issues at the national level. NFIA has interactions with senators and high officials in which they promote business and cultural educational activities, said Sohan Joshi.
Krishna Vinod