Standing: Abdulgani Sheikh, Ajmer Singh, Navin Gupta, Rajinder Dunna, Baljinder Tahim, Ashok Madan & K J Singh
Visa Fair was held on Sunday May 28 at The Sanatan Dharma Temple. Travelsal Visa together with GOPIO and other organizations of Southern California organized the event. Around 200 people took advantage and about 100 applications were processed.
More such Visa Fairs would be held from time to time so that people from Southern California don’t have to travel to San Francisco for various Consulate services.
People lined up from 8 am and went home satisfied. They were helped by volunteers in filling out applications and were then helped by staff of Travelsal visa in finalizing and onward processing.
It was a great community visa fair.
Dilip Butani
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