Fund-raiser music concert for Pratham Foundation


PrathamPratham Chapter of LA/Orange County hosted a beautiful event of music to raise awareness and funds for Pratham Education Foundation, India.

Pratham is a leading global education non-profit that delivers high-quality solutions to schooling and training challenges through award-winning evidence-based programs.

Pratham impacts close to 9 million children and youth annually by working directly in schools and communities and in partnership with governments.

PrathamThe community here has been supporting this cause of education for over 20-years and continues to inspire many Indians living in the USA to support the organization and its impactful work.

The musical concert was hosted by Dr Jayshree and Dr Mahesh Vyas who serve as the presidents of the Pratham LA/ Orange County in their beautiful home. The evening also saw philanthropists and long-time supporters like Yogi Patel, Manubhai & Rikaben Shah who spoke about why they support Pratham and the reason education is close to their hearts.

A beautiful and heartfelt address by Dr Jayshree Vyas raised generously for the cause. Mr. Navneet Chugh graced us with his presence and brought smiles to many faces while motivating the 70+ guests to donate.

Pratham 4The music by singers Rhythm Shastri & Vini Gorawas definitely the shining star of the event. Guests danced to old hindi/ bollywood tunes and enjoyed delicious Gujarati cuisine.

Also ReadPratham gets global recognition thru BBVA award

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