OFBJP’s spirited ‘Modi Walkathan’ in LA


OFBJPIndia Post News Service

LOS ANGELES: The Indian diaspora in Southern California, under the banner of Overseas Friends of BJP (OFBJP), organized a spirited walkathon today to show their support for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s re-election bid in the ongoing Indian elections. Dubbed the ‘Modi Walkathan,’ the event saw enthusiastic participation, with chants of “Ab ki bar, char so paar” echoing through the streets, translating to a hopeful prediction of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) securing more than 400 seats in the election.

Participants expressed unanimous confidence in Modi’s leadership, believing he has the vision and capability to elevate India to the next level.


Many voiced their conviction that under Modi’s continued governance; India could achieve its goal of becoming the world’s third-largest economy.

The Modi Walkathan was meticulously orchestrated by a dedicated team including, prominent community members such as, PK Nayak, Anil Mahajan, Latesh Bhambani, Manmohan Chopra, Sunil Agrawal, Arun Dutt and Shalabh Goel. Their efforts resulted in a well-organized event that not only demonstrated support for Modi but also fostered a sense of unity and purpose among the Indian diaspora in Southern California.

OFBJPThe walkathon was a colorful display of solidarity, with participants donning attire bearing Modi’s image and slogans, while waving the American flag and Indian tricolor. The event culminated in speeches and discussions, where attendees shared their aspirations for India’s future under Modi’s leadership.

As the elections in India continue, the support from abroad underscores the global influence and reach of Modi’s campaign, reflecting a widespread belief in his policies and vision for India.

OFBJPAlso ReadOFBJP-USA’s Modi Parivaar Event, Irvine, Ca

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